15 Jan 2021
Assalamualaikum dunia. Last saya cek pos saya tahun 2017. Today, out of my loneliness, i tiba-tiba teringat my blog. So hari ni just nak tulis sesuatu. Nak tinggalkan jejak sikit-sikit mana tahu berguna in future. Masa stress dulu suka baca balik apa yang saya tulis, just untuk remind myself, i uses to have hobbies, interest. Tak macam sekarang. Today, 15 Jan 2021.. second round of MCO. Hari ni saya bekerja dari rumah. Mental health is still ok walau rasa sangat bosan dan kadang-kadang kecewa sebab i think i loss myself. I habis MSc in Geriatric Nutrition in late 2018, tapi sebab ada problem financially, technically, and "mentally", i grad 2019. I am not proud with my MSc for i think i did not perform it well. I just passed. No publication, no papers, no poster presented in any conferences, nothing but jus passed. Dulu i dreamt to be a lecturer who can do researches, write a lot and write well. Tapi makin lama impian tu makin jauh. I'm dealing with hypothyroidism but n...